Any zombie that is affected by Knock Back/knock-forward temporarily becomes one, meaning that they become vulnerable to the Blover as long as they're airborne.It's normally a grounded mook, but when it encounters an ice floe or certain plants, it will become an airborne mook to fly over said obstacle. The Dodo Rider Zombie is an interesting situation.For enemies that are always airborne, there are Seagull Zombies, Pelican Zombies, Zombie Parrot, Jetpack Zombies, Disco Jetpack Zombies, Blastronaut Zombies, Balloon Zombies, and any zombie carried by the Bug Zombie.

Airborne Mook: Any mook that is airborne will fly over ground-based plants like Potato Mines and Spikeweeds, and some of them can even fly over defences not called Tall-Nut.Ad Reward: There are several ways to get goodies via ads, usually gems, coins, Pinata Party replays, Penny's Pursuit fuel, and others.On the zombies side, there's Weasel Hoarder, who releases vicious Ice Weasels into the battlefield when she's taken enough damage, Parasol Zombie, whose parasol can deflect lobbed shots, and Glitter Zombie, who can make rainbow trails to protect zombies behind her.More examples include Rotobaga, which shoots seeds diagonally, Toadstool, which can OHKO zombies, Ghost Pepper, which heavily damages zombies around it before exploding, Electric Blueberry, which instantly electrocutes a random enemy on screen, even Gargantuars, Dusk Lobber, who attacks in three directions when powered by a Moonflower and deals great splash damage, Bombegranate, who explodes like a Cherry Bomb while leaving multiple seeds which explode on contact, Witch Hazel, who turns zombies into Puff-Shrooms, and Missile Toe, who launches chilling blasts into the air that explode and chill zombies in an area. And later, the game introduced Fire Peashooter, who can shoot peas and is immune to frost. Action Girl: Magnifying Grass is one of the few plants referred to as female, and instead of being a Support Party Member she launches powerful sunbeam attacks that can One-Hit Kill a regular zombie.Action Bomb: A variation for Chili Bean, which turns the zombie eating it into an Action Bomb.The vast majority of players will never get to that point, let alone see Mastery, due to the astronomical amount of Level Grinding required.
#Plants vs zombies 2 battlez update#
A later update raised the level cap even further by adding Mastery levels which increase their damage output by a certain percentage, capping out at M200. However, the developers added in a Player Versus Player mode, Battlez, which does take advantage of the overleveled plants. At that point, most max level plants will completely trivialize any Adventure challenge anyway.